Hometown Photo

Hometown Photo

Friday, May 21, 2010

Start of Blog, Start of Internship, Start of New Gym Membership

With the start to summer, a lot of things have been going on. I've been unpacking all my stuff from Richmond, slowly trying to incorporate it all into what I have at home. I started an internship with CYD, and I also just got a summer membership for Gold's Gym. That should keep me fairly busy for the summer.

The next big project that will come up is getting ready for Copenhagen, which I am absolutely so excited for. One of the things I wanted to do before I go to Denmark for Study Abroad is to start a blog, so everyone can keep track of what I'm doing. Due to the time change, it may be hard to keep in contact with everyone back home. Hopefully with a blog, people will be able to see what I am up to, and can stay in touch.

Anyways, I don't know how many posts I will do during the summer but come the fall keep watching because there will definitely be lots of posts as I adjust to life in Copenhagen.