Hometown Photo

Hometown Photo

Sunday, February 20, 2011

As Winter Slowly Turns to Spring

I can tell Spring is on its way to Copenhagen, despite the cold weather that is still here. The sun is out, the sky is a bright blue, the light during the day is longer and one can see plants preparing themselves for spring. Having been here since August, I am so excited for Copenhagen in the Springtime!

Due to weather reports of the cold temperatures here, people back home have asked me why I am so crazy as to think Spring is on route to Denmark. During a walk today with Ole and Birgitte I took some pictures demonstrating just how pretty Denmark is despite the cold, and others as evidence that spring will be here soon.

Our walk commenced at Holte S-tog station, consisted of going through some nice neighborhoods, and through the woods to finish at Birkerød S-tog station. Though still a tad cold outside, with enough layers and the sun shining above, it was a great day for a walk.
Here is one of my favorite types of house in Denmark. A house like this appears so warm and inviting that I don't know why anyone would not like it!

Here is a little stream we saw on our walk. It is still cold enough the there is ice in the stream but it is also evident that the sun was shining here. I really think it is amazing that you can be 25 minutes away from the center of the Danish capital and yet be able to walk around woods like this. In many of the sprawling cities back in the U.S. it would be impossible to see such an extensive wooded area so close to the city center.
I sometimes think that when people complain about the weather in Denmark they forget just how beautiful it is during winter.

The view from this turn tells of the natural beauty of Denmark, as well as hints to the potential of a Danish Spring.

Both the pictures above and below are my prime piece of evidence that Spring is on its way. With these little flowers  sprouting up, my anticipation the spring will soon be here is assured!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful week, and as time proceeds be on the look out for Spring pictures from Copenhagen!
Vi Ses!